Answer that question and you're on your way to winning a $50 Visa gift card, or a couple of other cool prizes courtesy of @WDYWFT is a website and social network for people who work in virtually any form of management. In contrast to sites like LinkedIn and Xing that focus soley on networking and recruiting, WDYWFT strives to provide information, guidance, mentoring and career growth strategies for managers at all levels - and it does that all, for free. The question, "What do you want from them?" comes from something that was told to Anna Smith, the site's founder, in relation to addressing people she worked with. That way one is always looking at how to resolve issues as opposed to putting people in an uncomfortable position. A very good management lesson indeed. One so good that it inspired Anna to inspire other managers, and become a mentor herself. Check out WDYWFT's website and Management Contest - and be sure to join the group. It's a working management forum that could use your knowledge, and perhaps, impart some.
I met Anna over a year ago when I was living in Munich - but met might be a stretch in that Anna and I have never personally met - rather, she had found my website, The Wild Wild East Dailies, courtesy of a friend in Germany who had come across our podcast and knew Anna would love the music on WWED Radio. So Anna contacted me in Germany from the US to see if she could feature our music on her site, and a friendship was born. I said, "Yes", of course. Anyone who likes the music I like is a friend of mine. The other interesting parallel here is that Anna is originally from Germany and I from the US - but we had changed places. Funny that way. Unfortunately, the WWED podcast went the way of Napster in that what I was broadcasting was applying a more than liberal shellac to the concept of 'fair use' and the copyright gods shut down my podcast provider. Too bad. But Anna and WDYWFT continue to survive and thrive and I'm more than happy to lend a hand if I can. Now, can you tell us for real, why manhole covers are round?
Most creative answer wins!
D a v i d E v e r i t t - C a r l s o n
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